Thioredoxin Systems AB is a growing organisation, supported by an expert advisory board, dedicated to the development of EbsArgent as a new solution to antimicrobial resistance.

Patrik Gille-Johnson, MD
A Medical Doctor and clinician for many years at Danderyds Sjukhus (Sweden) and Karolinska University Hospital (Sweden). As an MD Infectious Diseases Consultant, Patrik has further deepened his understanding of the challenges of antimicrobial resistance and the need for novel therapeutic options. He advises the company from the perspective of the clinical need and use.

Annette Alaeus, MD-PhD
A highly experienced infection specialist with a background as Medical Director at Bristol Myers Squibb. Annette is currently a Senior Consultant and a member of the Medical Quality Team at Kry, which had particular involvement in their “Global Team Covid-19”. She brings expertise from medical R&D and regulatory matters.

Tomas N Gustafsson, MD-PhD
A physician at the Infectious Disease Clinic at Sunderby Hospital and a researcher at the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Umeå University. Tomas brings combined expertise from the clinic and academic research. Primary research interest includes early antibiotic development and development of methods to help bridge gaps in the antibiotic R&D pipeline. He has scientific experience from working with bacterial thioredoxin systems.